Category Archives: Ubuntu Linux

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Setting up Raspberry PI 3 Wifi (Via CLI/BASH)

To all Raspberry PI Tinkerers…
I have had several people as for a how-to on setting up wifi on a Raspberry PI via command line.  It is actually quite easy.

Here is a quick tutorial I hope helps.

First, we need to open the file that controls what wifi we connect to.

sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

This will open the file that controls what access points your RPI looks for.

Here is an example of how one should look (RPI3):

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

Now that this file has been updated; we will need to reboot to ensure everything comes back up correctly.
Ensure that your RPI is connected to wifi.

Simply type: ifconfig

Then it will show all the interfaces, the wireless is usually “WLAN0”, or something that starts with a “W”.
The ethernet will usually start with an “E”, for example “ETH0” is very common.

Don’t forget! Linux Learning Resources

This is kept under the Linux Learning Project and Learning Resources section of the site, and is updated occasionally with new links.  Feel free to suggest one by contacting me directly.




Need DevOps Help?

  • Had issues with your DevOps pipeline?
  • Need help streamlining automation or configuration management?
  • Need to green field or “lift and shift” applications into the cloud?

If you are trying to do any of these, and running into issues please contact me.  I am now open to consulting directly.  Fixing even a few small inefficiencies can have a huge impact on the bottom line.  Not only that, if the DevOps philosophies are really taken up, its likely that the employee base will also be happier, and proud of their accomplishments as a team.

As far as technologies I support, please take a look at my Technologies page.  (Updated often)  I am also happy to take on new ones for a project if needed.

Creating an efficient pipeline is what I do; and a fully functional system that is working well can be an amazing thing.


Matthew Curry


The Eagle Has landed….


I have made it…. the move is complete!   I just wanted to say thank you for everyone that has been waiting on me.  I know I have taken a while on a few things, and I am finally in a position to run with everything again.  I finally have a decent internet connection [330mbps/330mbps]; so I will also be able to host things at high speed for us now as well.

As far as the installer goes, I hope to be done very soon with it ;  I am putting my final touches on it for the Pixel desktop.  If I get time I might be able to get Bluetooth working!  However, I have to get caught up first.

For those waiting on hardware, most has been shipped with a few exceptions.  I have notified those people.  I have a true ‘shop’ area again, and this will allow me to be much more efficient.  Meaning shorter wait times/etc…




Jasper Polling Results for Image v1.6

  • Results of the Polls:
  • Presetup profile.yml enabled
  • GUI packages will be left on the devices
    • Increasing Size Dramatically
    • Increasing Update Time Dramatically
  • Jasper will not be pre-installed
    • There will be an installer with options
    • Daemon off by default
  • Home Assistant will be pre-installed
    • Daemon off by default
    • Mosquito MQTT Server installed with it


Would you prefer to have the profile.yml presetup as in v1.5?
  • Yes: 9
  • No: 0
Do you want GUI option, even though its not suggested?
  • Yes: 5
  • No, it will break: 2
Should v1.6 Have Jasper Already Installed?
  • Yes:  2
  • No:  1
  • I want installer:  7
Should HomeAssistant be included in v1.6?
  • Yes:  4
  • No:  1
  • Whats that?:  1

A few BASH tips from an old Linux admin.

Everyone has seen these “Top 50 commands” blah blah blah….. #clickbait….

I am writing this just to make BASH a much more pleasant experience for people new and old to Linux.  It is also for any sysadmin that has simply not been introduced to some of them.

I could list tons of them, but that’s going to get a simple TL;DR for most people.  Then they will move on.  So I will list a few and lets let those digest.  Keep in mind all commands are in Linux, and may vary by distribution.

First BASH tips (Simple, but time savers):

  1.  Type ‘cd’ and you will go to your home directory for the user you are logged into.
    1. Similar to “cd” ~, however ~ can sometimes rely on the environment.
  2. To return to the previous directory you can type ” cd -“.
    1. This will return you to your previous location, not home.
  3. Type “tailf”, instead of “tail f” for the same results.
    1. Also, “tail -200” can be used instead of “tail -n 200”
  4. Use a custom “PS1” for root, and regular users.
    1. A “PS1” is the text in the login prompt. See Example to the right:
      1. Notice it is yellow
      2. Do the same but in red for root.
    2. Examples:
      1. Debian PS1 for a normal user (as seen to the right)
      2. Debian PS1 for a ROOT user.
        1. These will need to be added to the bottom of “.bashrc” in your home directory
        2. Keep in mind files starting with a . are hidden in Linux, but there.
          1. I also have MAC PS1’s public in my gists.


I think that is enough for today, I hope this helps make BASH your friend.



Jasper Kits on hold…

These were for the community, and I have enjoyed designing and building these kits.  However, I am at a point now, where I do not have the time to properly maintain and build and ship them.  This is not necessarily a permanent decision, I may bring them back in the future given I have the time.

That being said, I do have a few left.  If you are interested please let me know now.  I will get an exact count soon, and update it here.  Once they are gone, I will not be building more.

With all that being said, I am still here to help with questions.  I am also still developing what I hope is a better user experience with my images.  (Version 1.6 out soon!)

If you have any questions; or would like one of the last kits, I would suggest speaking up now.  Not that I will disappear, but I will be unable to spend the time on them for a while starting soon.

I also wanted to say thank you again to the community members that are helping each other, and the new guys.  I do notice, and it is appreciated.


Jasper Image V1.6 – Release Date!

I have recently had a large number of people wanting to know the exact release date for the v1.6 image. I will release it without the installer, and release the installer separately so it can be used on images that are not mine.

  • Release Date:
    February 15, 2017

I would highly suggest that if there is annoyance; or fix for the next release that it be reported ASAP to the room in our SLACK.


Thanks for your patience,

Matthew Curry

Jasper Image v1.6 – Coming Soon!

There are already several improvements to the image, and I have put out feelers for any fixes/updates/etc that I can do to make the user experience better.  I already have a few of the obvious ones, however please feel free to report them in the new slack room “image-v1-6”, or in the Forums at the following LINK.

I am already working on it being pre-installed in the future with a REST api on it.  Making it easy to integrate with anything!

I will be posting the release notes with the new updates with the new image, and here as a post.  So please keep an eye out.



How AI listens in Jasper (and others)!

 There are two basic kinds of listeners, an active and a passive.  You will not get good offline (passive listener) results for a wide variety of speech currently.  Most offline listeners are used as ‘passive’ listeners. They usually just listen for the wake word or just a few small commands.  They are very accurate but can’t sustain a large vocabulary without CPU issues.  Some are also closed source such as (snowboy), and require that you train each word on their site.

The other kind, aka the “Active listener”; or the one always listening.  Would be used to listen once activated by the passive listener, and has a much more broad vocabulary.  However, these are online only. Due to the way they work (gathering metadata to increase accuracy), its just not possible currently on a small device. Examples would be standard APIs such as Google,, Ivona/Polly, etc.

There are projects to fix these offline issues, but they are all in the works. See my site for info on some of them.