DNF actually DOES stand for something… Not sure where that started.
DNF stands for Dandified yum
DNF started showing up in Fedora 18, and Fedora 20 was the first Linux distro that welcomed users to utilize DNF in place of YUM.
The technical challenges of DNF are that there is little or no support for features:
- Debug
- Verbose output
- Enable Repository
- Exclude packages during install
- No effect of –skip-broken switch
- The command resolvedep unavailable
- The option skip_if_unavailable is ON by default
- Dependency resolving process is not visible in Command Line
- Parallel downloads in future release
- Undo History
- Delta RPM
- Bash completion
- Auto-remove
- many others…
In short, if you drink the cool-aid then you should run this in a lab only. I know people that try to run this stuff in production. You are just asking for a serious problem. Other than that, I hope it gets there, DNF is just too new.