Monthly Archives: May 2018

How to use a PS1 in Linux/MAC

Here are the PS1‘s I use for my daily driver.  Feel free to take them and change them up.

I use different colors, so one doesn’t accidentally login or run something as root (which is in red, users are yellow).

To use these, simply copy and paste them into either the root user; or regular user’s .bashrc.

Alternatively you can add them to /etc/profile to make them enforced system wide. 

For MAC, it is the same; however the PS1 is a little different. See below.





Site Updates

Just a heads up to all out there that care.

MattCurry.Com was down for a bit, while I installed the SSL Certificate, and updated my site.

Again, thank you to all the regular users.  Please don’t forget to subscribe to my RSS for updates.

Matthew Curry