Category Archives: GIT

Root ZFS Soon, but now we know how soon (sort of)…

The following is a link to the current project in GitHub. This will give us what is hopefully an accurate picture of the timeline.

Given the hopeful nature of devs and people like me, this will keep us in check for a realistic timeline. Wish I could help guys, but kernel programming is not in my wheel house (yet).

Links on Site

Due to the purchase of Github from Microsoft, I have removed my account and all repositories.  This will also affect a few posts I have made here.  The links used to embed some small snippets (aka GISTs) of code will no longer work.  As time is available I will start fixing them manually.  Until then I thank you for your patience.


Matthew Curry

Updates on Kill-Switch (E-Vehichle for son).

During my latest testing phase, there was an accident with the motor controller.  This has put a small speed bump in my little project.

However, this may be a blessing in disguise.  I wanted to put in my own motor controller before, but I was trying to do this build without purchasing much.  So, I was using the built-in controller within the old hover board housing.  This came with many obstacles; for one, the circuit was very sensitive to change.  If I wanted it to work; the LEDs and everything had to be perfect. Otherwise it would throw errors. Keeping in mind that I do not have any manual, documentation, etc on the hardware here.

Once I replace their motor controller with mine, it will be even better for my automation.  I actually do have RPI motor controller HATs; however nothing rated for 500w.  So I am going to be using the following per side.

This will allow me to control the speed with the battery, and hub motors I already have. Just add a potentiometer per side, and were in business. Those pots will be controlled via very small servo.  This will allow the user to control them, but the servos will put them back to zero (stop) after use.  This also enables the control via RPI3, as I mentioned before.

On another note; I am considering using casters in the front since you will be able to steer via the controls.  Alternatively, I get one controller and use it as a throttle only.  This would work, but then I would have to have front steering.


Thanks for all the support,

Matt Curry

Don’t forget! Linux Learning Resources

This is kept under the Linux Learning Project and Learning Resources section of the site, and is updated occasionally with new links.  Feel free to suggest one by contacting me directly.




Need DevOps Help?

  • Had issues with your DevOps pipeline?
  • Need help streamlining automation or configuration management?
  • Need to green field or “lift and shift” applications into the cloud?

If you are trying to do any of these, and running into issues please contact me.  I am now open to consulting directly.  Fixing even a few small inefficiencies can have a huge impact on the bottom line.  Not only that, if the DevOps philosophies are really taken up, its likely that the employee base will also be happier, and proud of their accomplishments as a team.

As far as technologies I support, please take a look at my Technologies page.  (Updated often)  I am also happy to take on new ones for a project if needed.

Creating an efficient pipeline is what I do; and a fully functional system that is working well can be an amazing thing.


Matthew Curry


What is Revision Control? (GIT/SVN)

A component of software configuration management (aka SCM), version control, also known as revision control or source control, is the management of changes to files and source. Changes are usually identified by a number or letter code, termed the “revision number”, “revision level”, or simply “revision”. For example, an initial set of files is “revision 1”. When the first change is made, the resulting set is “revision 2”, and so on. Each revision is associated with a timestamp and the person making the change. Revisions can be compared, restored, and with some types of files, merged.

Revision control can be very confusing to someone new, as you can see there are many ways to say the exact same thing.  This can make it difficult to pick up the concepts.  There are also many different kinds as you can see here.  However, the major one I would hope everyone would be familiar with is GIT, and SVN for the older folks. JJ… 😛

Git, invented by Linus Torvalds as mentioned here is the most prolific and widely used one out currently.  I also have a links under my Learning Resources page that are great for learning GIT.  Please keep in mind that GIT, and GitHub or two differnt things.  One is the software/method, and the other is a service that simply sells said software as a service.