Category Archives: Debian / Ubuntu

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Linux Gaming just got way better!

Since the release of ProtonDB, there have been over 2500 games added to Linux!

What is Proton?

Proton is a new tool released by Valve Software that has been integrated with Steam Play to make playing Windows games on Linux as simple as hitting the Play button within Steam. Underneath the hood, Proton comprises other popular tools like Wine and DXVK among others that a gamer would otherwise have to install and maintain themselves. This greatly eases the burden for users to switch to Linux without having to learn the underlying systems or losing access to a large part of their library of games. Proton is still in its infancy so support is inconsistent, but regularly improving.

ProtonDB is used to collaborate on performance on different hardware/software configurations. Allowing the community to work together to get the games working.

Setting Up Proton in STEAM – Tested Ubuntu 18.10

How to use a PS1 in Linux/MAC

Here are the PS1‘s I use for my daily driver.  Feel free to take them and change them up.

I use different colors, so one doesn’t accidentally login or run something as root (which is in red, users are yellow).

To use these, simply copy and paste them into either the root user; or regular user’s .bashrc.

Alternatively you can add them to /etc/profile to make them enforced system wide. 

For MAC, it is the same; however the PS1 is a little different. See below.





Kill Switch Pictures/Update

Hello All,

For those following along, I have moved Kill Switch, my sons e-vehicle project. To a permanent page.  I have also added a gallery for the work as I go.  Keep an eye…

You can also subscribe to my RSS if you like.



Thanks to TJUMP7 for the donated 4gb SD card, and help with the motor controllers!  I can’t wait to get all the parts and get it going!

Jasper Image Updates[Update]

I have been quietly working on the installer and image.  However, there have been 2 OS updates since I started.  So I am refreshing all of my images with Raspbian Stretch.  I will be making it available soon.  Also, if anyone has a class 10, 4GB MicroSD they want to donate. I am trying to make the image as small as possible.  Please contact me directly for details.

The new Image will be based on Raspbian Lite as mentioned above, and will have the basic dependencies met.  It will also have newer versions of all the software pre-compiled to save you the hours of time it can take.

I am working on software to auto-configure most audio devices.  This is something I hope to include soon.  Please keep an eye out for the new links.


Matthew Curry


Thank you to TJUMP7 for the 4gb Card!  Small Image coming soon!  Keep an eye out for that and the installer….


[UPDATE] 01/24/2018 – After being out for a while for personal reasons, I am glad to say I am back. I will be working on the updates/releases soon.

Handy One-Liners – Full Debian Update

This one is great for a “Full Update” on debian / ubuntu machines.

It calls the script without ever installing anything (assuming curl is installed).  Be sure to run as root, either with sudo or as root directly.

As you can see in the snippet; it uses a script that is remotely hosted (in a github gist).  This is great because you  can see exactly what it does by looking at the script.  It just calls system commands, so it can’t do anything malicious.  Just run sudo, then the above command and it will run the below script:

Another trick you can do with something like this, is copy it to  /usr/bin/fullupdate (as root of course), and ensure its executable “sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/fullupdate”.  Then you can call “sudo fullupdate”, from anywhere and use it when needed. Alternatively, you can use it on a cron to run on a schedule!  If you don’t want all the options, just download the script and change it for your liking.


Welcome to open source.

Got an Idea? Need Help? Raspberry PI prototyping!

Just another thing that I helping with lately.  If anyone need help with a new idea for a Raspberry PI, or IoT device message me.  I have been  through several POC’s (proof of concepts).

Keep in mind, if you are working on a new product; or sensitive information I keep all client info secret, and have no issues with an NDA.

  • Home Automation
  • Voice Recognition
  • Several TTS/STT Options
  • Custom Hardware
    • Integration with existing hardware
  • Custom Software
    • Custom Plugins/Adjustments
    • Coding
  • R&D on Subject Matter
    • Build
    • Test
    • Design
  • … and whatever else is needed …

Happy to just answer questions; or see what I can do to help.  Just contact me.

Setting up Raspberry PI 3 Wifi (Via CLI/BASH)

To all Raspberry PI Tinkerers…
I have had several people as for a how-to on setting up wifi on a Raspberry PI via command line.  It is actually quite easy.

Here is a quick tutorial I hope helps.

First, we need to open the file that controls what wifi we connect to.

sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

This will open the file that controls what access points your RPI looks for.

Here is an example of how one should look (RPI3):

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

Now that this file has been updated; we will need to reboot to ensure everything comes back up correctly.
Ensure that your RPI is connected to wifi.

Simply type: ifconfig

Then it will show all the interfaces, the wireless is usually “WLAN0”, or something that starts with a “W”.
The ethernet will usually start with an “E”, for example “ETH0” is very common.

Don’t forget! Linux Learning Resources

This is kept under the Linux Learning Project and Learning Resources section of the site, and is updated occasionally with new links.  Feel free to suggest one by contacting me directly.




Need DevOps Help?

  • Had issues with your DevOps pipeline?
  • Need help streamlining automation or configuration management?
  • Need to green field or “lift and shift” applications into the cloud?

If you are trying to do any of these, and running into issues please contact me.  I am now open to consulting directly.  Fixing even a few small inefficiencies can have a huge impact on the bottom line.  Not only that, if the DevOps philosophies are really taken up, its likely that the employee base will also be happier, and proud of their accomplishments as a team.

As far as technologies I support, please take a look at my Technologies page.  (Updated often)  I am also happy to take on new ones for a project if needed.

Creating an efficient pipeline is what I do; and a fully functional system that is working well can be an amazing thing.


Matthew Curry


The Eagle Has landed….


I have made it…. the move is complete!   I just wanted to say thank you for everyone that has been waiting on me.  I know I have taken a while on a few things, and I am finally in a position to run with everything again.  I finally have a decent internet connection [330mbps/330mbps]; so I will also be able to host things at high speed for us now as well.

As far as the installer goes, I hope to be done very soon with it ;  I am putting my final touches on it for the Pixel desktop.  If I get time I might be able to get Bluetooth working!  However, I have to get caught up first.

For those waiting on hardware, most has been shipped with a few exceptions.  I have notified those people.  I have a true ‘shop’ area again, and this will allow me to be much more efficient.  Meaning shorter wait times/etc…


