Category Archives: performance

Linux Gaming just got way better!

Since the release of ProtonDB, there have been over 2500 games added to Linux!

What is Proton?

Proton is a new tool released by Valve Software that has been integrated with Steam Play to make playing Windows games on Linux as simple as hitting the Play button within Steam. Underneath the hood, Proton comprises other popular tools like Wine and DXVK among others that a gamer would otherwise have to install and maintain themselves. This greatly eases the burden for users to switch to Linux without having to learn the underlying systems or losing access to a large part of their library of games. Proton is still in its infancy so support is inconsistent, but regularly improving.

ProtonDB is used to collaborate on performance on different hardware/software configurations. Allowing the community to work together to get the games working.

Setting Up Proton in STEAM – Tested Ubuntu 18.10

Got an Idea? Need Help? Raspberry PI prototyping!

Just another thing that I helping with lately.  If anyone need help with a new idea for a Raspberry PI, or IoT device message me.  I have been  through several POC’s (proof of concepts).

Keep in mind, if you are working on a new product; or sensitive information I keep all client info secret, and have no issues with an NDA.

  • Home Automation
  • Voice Recognition
  • Several TTS/STT Options
  • Custom Hardware
    • Integration with existing hardware
  • Custom Software
    • Custom Plugins/Adjustments
    • Coding
  • R&D on Subject Matter
    • Build
    • Test
    • Design
  • … and whatever else is needed …

Happy to just answer questions; or see what I can do to help.  Just contact me.

Building E-Vehicle/Robot for Son!

I am building a robot (named aptly: Kill Switch) from old parts I had laying around, and it is powered by hub motors from a ‘hover-board’.  The stats were pretty strong for small kids; so I am building a lot of safety into it.

This will include software, and hardware measures to ‘take over’ the device, and even limit speed.  Eventually I will be able to return him back to a certain spot with playtime is over.  I hope to automated charging as well eventually.  There are a lot of features I have ready; however I am still building out the hardware.

This can be difficult to do and keep extremely safe.  So for starters I am testing it only; and I have 2 kill switches I am putting in to ensure safety.  One the person will have to keep his foot on constantly for the buggy to run.  The other is a simple quick kill switch.  (Eventually these will be automated).

The Device already has an RPI3 with a small motor-controller for future automation’s.  This will control other aspects of the vehicle via software.  Such as speed limitations, power usage, GPS, WIFI, BT.  I will also be using a pico router to establish a LAN around the device.  This is for media, as the vehicle will have speakers/screen to watch/host media on the LAN.

Hardware Safety Features:

  • Dash Kill Switch
  • Foot Kill Switch
  • Flip/Tilt Sensor
  • Lights
  • Front
  • Rear

Once testing is completed, and it works; I will go through how I set it up.  However, this will be piece by piece as I do it.  I have even considered some youtube videos.  However, that will depend on my success in doing this on a budget.  I am also using completely reclaimed parts, minus a couple bolts I bought.  So its been free so far.

On that note, I have been building the chassis, but if anyone in the Dallas, TX area has an old go-cart frame that rolls/steers, I am looking.  I think it would make it a lot lighter.  Shoot me a message, info is on my contact me page.


MUCH More to come… Please keep an eye on the series…


The Eagle Has landed….


I have made it…. the move is complete!   I just wanted to say thank you for everyone that has been waiting on me.  I know I have taken a while on a few things, and I am finally in a position to run with everything again.  I finally have a decent internet connection [330mbps/330mbps]; so I will also be able to host things at high speed for us now as well.

As far as the installer goes, I hope to be done very soon with it ;  I am putting my final touches on it for the Pixel desktop.  If I get time I might be able to get Bluetooth working!  However, I have to get caught up first.

For those waiting on hardware, most has been shipped with a few exceptions.  I have notified those people.  I have a true ‘shop’ area again, and this will allow me to be much more efficient.  Meaning shorter wait times/etc…




Jasper Image v1.5 Released

Major Updates

NOTE:  Be sure to do a “git pull” in the “Jasper-RPI-Tools” directory to get the updated scripts.

  • Installed
    • Script to enable Daemon
      • It is located /home/pi/Jasper-RPI-Tools/
    • Config under /home/hass/.homeassistant
    • Installed in Virtual Environment
    • Installed under the “hass” user.
  • Removed clutter from rc.local
    • Was causing harmless error at boot.
  • Installed needed dependencies for the development branch
    • libmad0 * libmad0-dev
  • Created/Enabled Service for jasper “jasper-daemon”
  • Created/Disable Service for (user needs to enable)
  • Created Script to download a specified version of Jasper/Jasper-dev
    • It is located /home/pi/Jasper-RPI-Tools/installers/
      • You can pick what branch you would like to use at clone-time
  • Ensure phonetisaurus pre-compiled/installed
  • Removed Erroneous cron entries
  • Updated the OS and all related pkgs

12 Years without Microsoft and loving it!

As of April, 2004 I stopped using all Microsoft products.

For many reasons. I know people like to debate about microsoft products. However, for me its not a debate.

Examples [Just a tiny bit]:

  • If I was a contractor and came into your company and said, “I am going to record all your keystrokes, and put them on my server every 30min”, you would laugh me out the door. Especially in software, where the source can be recreated from the key logs.  Well, Microsoft does it.
  • If I was a contractor and came in to your company and found a security bug, and then sold it on the black market making you vulnerable before there is a patch to hackers.  You would probably sue me; and maybe even press charges of some kind, as it can put you out of business.  Well, Microsoft does it.
  • If I was a contractor and came in during the night and upgraded all your desktops to an OS you haven’t tested… well I think you get the point by now…
  • UEFI – Just look into it…
  • Severe security issues; and poor coding.
    • Keep in mind even if they don’t use the keylog maliciously, with the poor security wrapped around it, it is within reason to think it would be compromised.

Please keep in mind I am just looking at the black and white of things. This has nothing to do with how I ‘feel’ about them.  From a business standpoint, I can not simply fathom the use of any Microsoft product in any serious company; especially a software development one.

Now, I am experienced in IT/Software Development/DevOps; and anyone will tell you security is a trade off with convenience.  That is true.  However, between the cost (which is high); and the constant worry about security and stability with each patch.  Its something people really need to ask themselves, ” Is this really convenient/cost effective”; and 15 years ago it might have been yes. Now, there is no excuse.


Quick Tip of the Day.

Not that I have them daily, but I might if I get a good response.

Have you ever tried logging into an SSH server, and get a weird error:

/.ssh/config: line 22: Bad configuration option: 342200202

This is a very simple issue but it can be a huge PITA if you can’t fix it quickly.  This is especially true for those of us that have to use an enormous amount of keys in our daily lives.  I know, I have a fairly simple config for SSH, but I still ran into this issue when I pasted a block of text in  ~/.ssh/config.  I opened the file with VI, and NANO. I was only able to get it to work when I removed the spaces before each line it complained about.  I then just put them back as normal, and saved.

It turns out, that copying from another place can have the spaces not interpreted properly. They are tabbed indentations actually.  Once manually removed they are replaced by a normal “space” in the code and it should work properly.  I hope this saves some time for some people.


Matthew D. Curry


Top 10 Most Powerful Computers in the World!

As some people may know; I like to use the example of  “Out of the top 500, how many supercomputers in the world do you think  use [your OS here]?”.  I use this example for a reason.  Unlike conjecture, theories, and even “gut feelings”; it shows that the OS was chosen, and serious money and time were poured into it.  This shows that is it at least a player in the field, and can handle the serious levels of computing needed.  It also shows things like, tune-ability, flexibility with change, and a few other things that only the people working with their own projects will be able to tell.  We are not concerned with that, just that they are on the list; and why if it sticks out as odd to see why.

I am using the TOP500 Project for this information, and it does get re-evaluated often.  However, I will say this; just like in nature there will always be a pretty clear delineation when it comes down to who is the “Winner” in this space.  Or the most efficient/successful like in nature.

The reason I write this article is to show a certain group of people an example of the difference in reality versus what advertisements, rumors, and self-perception have molded in their minds.  I think it is a good exercise to show the affects of the budgets used to change our perceptions. A good example is the budget used by companies like Microsoft (over $2,000,000,000); and Apple (over $1,000,000 in 2013/2014).  This is just money, and perception however.  This will never affect real life numbers on performance, math doesn’t lie. Results and time are my favorite sources of information.  Its a simple concept, there are 1000s of ways to move items.  However, in our lives in this age of technology the wheel is still very much in use.   Its the best solution at the time…. (a small but powerful statement).

So in lieu of keeping you away from the data pron you came to look at:


Top 10 Super Super Computers - Nov 2015

Top 10 Super Super Computers – Nov 2015



Here is the actual breakdown by OS (as of Nov 2015), as I know that is what most people are interested in:



I know some people are wondering where is Windows, or IOS.  If you will notice; even in the breakdowns by OS they are pretty much all Linux/BSD [Windows isn’t even a filter option on their site as of right now].  This list is more a list of flavors of Linux with a few BSD machines in the list.  You will notice, like in most of the lists done in the past; there is not a single Microsoft product on the list.  This is a very simple, and very important fact that way too many people make.  This includes everyone from the guy that fixes your desktop all the way up to the VP of Infrastructure.  They are all swayed by what they own, and the amount of advertising spewed forth at them non-stop. Keep in mind these people are generally more connected than the rest of the populous.  Thus, affected even more so by the ads.  Combine that with sales people/calls/pressures on support/etc, and you get smart companies ( I didn’t say large), that make really bad technology decisions.  I exclude myself from that ad loop; and look purely at statistical performance.   This is great for business; since you can eliminate a TON of costs; and licensing fees/etc that you would have if you went with something not on this list.


List_Statistics___TOP500_Supercomputer_Sites 2


Want to see the full list of over 500 super computers for 2015?